Six Law Enforcement Officers Dead; Crime Rates Rising

Over the course of two days last week, several cities across the country have faced a major spike in violent crimes targeting police officers.

Six law enforcement officers were shot across the U.S. in the cities of St. Louis, Milwaukee, and Houston, showing a violent trend of police victimization to gun violence in January alone. 

Data released by the FBI shows that the number of officers killed in 2021 is the highest recorded in the past 20 years, and the crimes are only going up.

In separate instances over the course of 48 hours, two police officers were shot in St. Louis; a Milwaukee sheriff’s deputy was shot several times during a traffic stop; and, three more police officers were shot in Houston.

The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Chief John Hayden spoke during a press conference, voicing his concerns and mourning over the severe loss. “I am asking the public to pray for our officers. This is a rough time… They’re doing everything they can to keep people safe, and we keep having these critical incidents.”

The two St. Louis officers had spotted a vehicle connected to a homicide case from the night before and pulled it over. 

The people inside the vehicle were suspected to be connected to the case and shot at the officers as they approached the vehicle, before escaping. 

Eventually, the four individuals were taken into custody, but both officers were wounded, with one being in severe, critical condition.

In Houston, three officers were shot at by an armed individual in a standoff, all eventually hospitalized in stable condition. 

The suspect had barricaded himself in a nearby house, where he was shot in the neck and eventually surrendered after another gunfight.

And during the third incident in Milwaukee, a sheriff’s deputy was shot several times in his arms and torso after pursuing a passenger who was fleeing on foot from a traffic stop.

Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard took to Twitter to post a photo of the large pile of condolence letters his office plans to send to other police agencies.

The problem here is much more serious than it seems and stems from the liberal leftist ideology that we should be more lenient with criminal cases. 

Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas spoke up on ‘America’s Newsroom’ about the root causes after this past weekend’s wave of police murders. 

“Leftist ideology fundamentally does two things, it punishes success while accommodating bad behavior out of some false sense of compassion. And that manifests in lenient DA’s, lenient judges, lenient prosecutors that are soft on crime and will let violent criminals out.”

It’s no surprise that the dems want to weave a different story when the blame for rising crime falls entirely on them…

Of course, they continue to blame others for their mistakes – trying to pin the rising crime rates on the Republicans when the dems are the ones who wanted to defund the police in the first place.

Now crime rates are surging, Police officers are getting knocked down across the country, and Psaki wants to blame the “underfunding” of police departments…

Like it’s not their fault the police are underfunded, to begin with.

During a recent White House News Briefing, she said that “gun violence” was a “huge reason” for the increase in crime, while also blaming the “underfunding” of police departments and their lack of resources.

It all sounds like an excuse and another attempt to shift the blame off the Biden Administration, who can’t seem to accept the fact that they’ve taken one loss after another since Biden began his presidency last year. 

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